189 research outputs found

    Dynamic density functional theory versus Kinetic theory of simple fluids

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    By combining methods of kinetic and density functional theory, we present a description of molecular fluids which accounts for their microscopic structure and thermodynamic properties as well as for the hydrodynamic behavior. We focus on the evolution of the one particle phase space distribution, rather than on the evolution of the average particle density, which features in dynamic density functional theory. The resulting equation can be studied in two different physical limits: diffusive dynamics, typical of colloidal fluids without hydrodynamic interaction, where particles are subject to overdamped motion resulting from the coupling with a solvent at rest, and inertial dynamics, typical of molecular fluids. Finally, we propose an algorithm to solve numerically and efficiently the resulting kinetic equation by employing a discretization procedure analogous to the one used in the Lattice Boltzmann method.Comment: 15 page

    Tracer diffusion of hard-sphere binary mixtures under nano-confinement

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    The physics of diffusion phenomena in nano- and microchannels has attracted a lot of attention in recent years, due to its close connection with many technological, medical, and industrial appli- cations. In the present paper, we employ a kinetic approach to investigate how the confinement in nanostructured geometries affects the diffusive properties of fluid mixtures and leads to the appearance of properties different from those of bulk systems. In particular, we derive an expression for the friction tensor in the case of a bulk fluid mixture confined to a narrow slit having undulated walls. The boundary roughness leads to a new mechanism for transverse diffusion and can even lead to an effective diffusion along the channel larger than the one corresponding to a planar channel of equivalent section. Finally, we discuss a reduction of the previous equation to a one dimensional effective diffusion equation in which an entropic term encapsulates the geometrical information on the channel shape

    Kinetic Density Functional Theory: A microscopic approach to fluid mechanics

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    In the present paper we give a brief summary of some recent theoretical advances in the treatment of inhomogeneous fluids and methods which have applications in the study of dynamical properties of liquids in situations of extreme confinement, such as nanopores, nanodevices, etc. The approach obtained by combining kinetic and density functional methods is microscopic, fully self-consistent and allows to determine both configurational and flow properties of dense fluids. The theory predicts the correct hydrodynamic behavior and provides a practical and numerical tool to determine how the transport properties are modified when the length scales of the confining channels are comparable with the size of the molecules. The applications range from the dynamics of simple fluids under confinement, to that of neutral binary mixtures and electrolytes where the theory in the limit of slow gradients reproduces the known phenomenological equations such as the Planck-Nernst-Poisson and the Smoluchowski equations. The approach here illustrated allows for fast numerical solution of the evolution equations for the one-particle phase-space distributions by means of the weighted density lattice Boltzmann method and is particularly useful when one considers flows in complex geometries.Comment: 14 page

    Charge transport in nanochannels: a molecular theory

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    We introduce a theoretical and numerical method to investigate the flow of charged fluid mixtures under extreme confinement. We model the electrolyte solution as a ternary mixture, comprising two ionic species of opposite charge and a third uncharged component. The microscopic approach is based on kinetic theory and is fully self-consistent. It allows to determine configurational prop- erties, such as layering near the confining walls, and the flow properties. We show that, under appropriate assumptions, the approach reproduces the phenomenological equations used to describe electrokinetic phenomena, without requiring the introduction of constitutive equations to determine the fluxes. Moreover, we model channels of arbitrary shape and nanometric roughness, features that have important repercussions on the transport properties of these systems. Numerical simulations are obtained by solving the evolution dynamics of the one-particle phase- space distributions of each species by means of a Lattice Boltzmann method for flows in straight and wedged channels. Results are presented for the microscopic density, the velocity profiles and for the volumetric and charge flow-rates. Strong departures from electroneutrality are shown to appear at molecular level

    Clausius relation for active particles: what can we learn from fluctuations?

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    Many kinds of active particles, such as bacteria or active colloids, move in a thermostatted fluid by means of self-propulsion. Energy injected by such a non-equilibrium force is eventually dissipated as heat in the thermostat. Since thermal fluctuations are much faster and weaker than self-propulsion forces, they are often neglected, blurring the identification of dissipated heat in theoretical models. For the same reason, some freedom - or arbitrariness - appears when defining entropy production. Recently three different recipes to define heat and entropy production have been proposed for the same model where the role of self-propulsion is played by a Gaussian coloured noise. Here we compare and discuss the relation between such proposals and their physical meaning. One of these proposals takes into account the heat exchanged with a non-equilibrium active bath: such an "active heat" satisfies the original Clausius relation and can be experimentally verified.Comment: 10 pages, submitted to Entropy journal for the special issue "Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics of Small Systems" (see http://www.mdpi.com/journal/entropy/special_issues/small_systems

    Multicomponent Diffusion in Nanosystems

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    We present the detailed analysis of the diffusive transport of spatially inhomogeneous fluid mixtures and the interplay between structural and dynamical properties varying on the atomic scale. The present treatment is based on different areas of liquid state theory, namely kinetic and density functional theory and their implementation as an effective numerical method via the Lattice Boltzmann approach. By combining the first two methods it is possible to obtain a closed set of kinetic equations for the singlet phase space distribution functions of each species. The interactions among particles are considered within a self-consistent approximation and the resulting effective molecular fields are analyzed. We focus on multispecies diffusion in systems with short-range hard-core repulsion between particles of unequal sizes and weak attractive long-range interactions. As a result, the attractive part of the potential does not contribute explicitly to viscosity but to diffusivity and the thermodynamic properties. Finally, we obtain a practical scheme to solve the kinetic equations by employing a discretization procedure derived from the Lattice Boltzmann approach. Within this framework, we present numerical data concerning the mutual diffusion properties both in the case of a quiescent bulk fluid and shear flow inducing Taylor dispersion.Comment: 19 pages + 5 figure

    Time dependent Ginzburg-Landau equation for an N-component model of self-assembled fluids

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    We study the time evolution of an N-component model of bicontinuous microemulsions based on a time dependent Ginzburg-Landau equation quenched from an high temperature uncorrelated state to the low temperature phases. The behavior of the dynamical structure factor C~(k,t)\tilde C(k,t) is obtained, in each phase, in the framework of the large-NN limit with both conserved (COP) and non conserved (NCOP) order parameter dynamics. At zero temperature the system shows multiscaling in the unstructured region up to the tricritical point for the COP whereas ordinary scaling is obeyed for NCOP. In the structured phase, instead, the conservation law is found to be irrelevant and the form C~(k,t)∼tα/zf((∣k−km∣t1/z)\tilde C(k,t) \sim t^{\alpha / z} f((|k-k_m| t^{1/z}), with α=1\alpha=1 and z=2z=2, is obtained in every case. Simple scaling relations are also derived for the structure factor as a function of the final temperature of the thermal bath.Comment: 9 pages,Apste

    Controlling electroosmotic flows by polymer coatings: A joint experimental-theoretical investigation

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    We analyze the electroosmotic flow (EOF) of an electrolytic solution in a polymer coated capillary electrophoresis tube. The polymeric density, charge, thickness, and the capillary tube charge vary as a function of pH and produce a non-trivial modulation of the EOF, including a flow reversal at acid pH conditions. By means of a theoretical argument and numerical simulations, we recover the experimental curve for the EOF, providing a firm approach for predictive analysis of electroosmosis under different polymeric coating conditions. A proposed application of the approach is to determine the near-wall charge of the coating to be used for further quantitative analysis of the electroosmotic flow and mobility

    Active chiral particles under confinement: surface currents and bulk accumulation phenomena

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    In this work, we study the stationary behavior of an assembly of independent chiral active particles under confinement by employing an extension of the active Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model. The chirality modeled by means of an effective torque term leads to a drastic reduction of the accumulation near the walls with respect to the case without handedness and to the appearance of currents parallel to the container walls accompanied by a large accumulation of particles in the inner region. In the case of two-dimensional chiral particles confined by harmonic walls, we determine the analytic form of the distribution of positions and velocities in two different situations: a rotationally invariant confining potential and an infinite channel with parabolic walls. Both these models display currents and chirality induced inner accumulation. These phenomena are further investigated by means of a more realistic description of a channel, where the wall and bulk regions are clearly separated. The corresponding current and density profiles are obtained by numerical simulations. At variance with the harmonic models, the third model shows a progressive emptying of the wall regions and the simultaneous enhancement of the bulk population. We explain such a phenomenology in terms of the combined effect of wall repulsive forces and chiral motion and provide a semiquantitative description of the current profile in terms of an effective viscosity of the chiral gas.Comment: 5 figure
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